Origins of Civilization Mod

Origins of Civilization Mod

Adds a bunch of contents for primitives, building on Violent Beetle’s

If the corresponding DLC are in use, primitives now also have Mechanist, Syncretic Evolution, Necrophage, Remnants, Tree of Life, Cataclysmic Birth, Rogue Servitor, and Driven Assimilator versions (in addition to Vanilla’s regular, Gaia, and Ringworld primitives and Violent Beetle’s postapocalyptic and habitat primitives). Unlike with playable countries, primitives can sometimes combine several of these.

Nuclear war will occasionally leave post-apocalyptic survivors. Machine+ age primitives will sometimes invent robots. Mechanist primitives’ robots will sometimes rebel and become a primitive machine intelligence. Necrophages will sometimes emerge from the shadows to take over a non-necrophage primitive civilization.

Primitives who invent space travel by themselves will no longer get the Enlightened origin anyway; those who lack any of the abovementioned unusual circumstances will get Galactic Doorstep if there’s a gateway in their system and Prosperous Unification (complete with planet modifier) otherwise (Enlightened primitives will still have the Enlightened origin unless Necrophage, Tree of Life, or Calamitous Birth).

Sometimes, when primitives move from one age to another, the social upheval resulting from this technological revolution will also lead to an ethic shift.


Ethics shift, primitives inventing robots, nuclear war with survivors, and necrophage takeovers should be possible for any primitives that use the vanilla Primitives country type and vanilla or VBP primitive ages. A normal range or origins on natural advancement should happen for all primitives with vanilla or VBP country types. Primitives added in galaxy generation will also be sometimes have syncretic species or Calamitous Birth but those added later will not.

This mod is compatible with my mod

This mod overwrites the following vanilla files and objects:

  • 05_primitive_jobs, to make the normal restrictions on what jobs servile and prepatent species can take apply to primitives.

Solar System Initializers:

  • sanctuary_system, to make it so sanctuary system primitives will occasionally be hive-minds.


  • distar.1003, to give the Mardak Vol the Necrophage trait and origin. (via set_origin, so they should still sometimes be xenophiles or fanatic egalitarians)
  • primitive.130, to make primitive nuclear war sometimes leave survivors and also to make it never happen for pacifists and be more common for militarists.
  • primitive.16, set to triggered_only as part of making natural advancement work differently from enlightenment.

This mod overwrites the following vbp files and objects:
Scripted Effects:

  • vbp_setup_machine_world


  • vbp_hive.220
  • vbp_machine.200
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