Tagged: Discord Alpha Strike Stellaris Mods


AA’s Origins: God Ruler (3.0)

One Shall Rule A simple mod that brings some content to Stellaris based on the Imperium from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40000. Includes: a new origin; an ecumenopolis start; bespoke districts; bespoke buildings; bespoke jobs;...


AA’s Origins: God Ruler (3.0)

One Shall Rule A simple mod that brings some content to Stellaris based on the Imperium from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40000. Includes: a new origin; an ecumenopolis start; bespoke districts; bespoke buildings; bespoke jobs;...


AA’s Origins: God Ruler (3.0)

One Shall Rule A simple mod that brings some content to Stellaris based on the Imperium from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40000. Includes: a new origin; an ecumenopolis start; bespoke districts; bespoke buildings; bespoke jobs;...


AA’s Origins: God Ruler (3.0)

One Shall Rule A simple mod that brings some content to Stellaris based on the Imperium from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40000. Includes: a new origin; an ecumenopolis start; bespoke districts; bespoke buildings; bespoke jobs;...


AA’s Origins: God Ruler (3.0)

One Shall Rule A simple mod that brings some content to Stellaris based on the Imperium from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40000. Includes: a new origin; an ecumenopolis start; bespoke districts; bespoke buildings; bespoke jobs;...


Traditional Thinking (3.0)

New Tradition Tree ChoicesThis mod provides eight additional tradition trees. You can still only take a total of 7 tradition trees in a game. Choose which you adopt carefully – some trees exclude taking...