AlphaMod: Ambitions of Empire (2.8)
AlphaMod: Ambitions of Empire (2.8)
The AI can’t do Tall in AlphaMod
… or vanilla for that matter. This mutator for AlphaMod is an extension of EDAI that improves early game expansion of the AI, especially important in crowded galaxies.
All too often multiple AI empires will struggle to get additional colonies established in the early game before they are bickering over borders or going dormant, apparently more concerned with brooding over the fact they can’t expand. So EDAI monitors the AI for failing to colonise perfectly adequate worlds far too slowly or not at all, and will just give them a colony. And a free pop every few years.
In play this results in more AI empires actually proving a challenge to the player and each other further into mid-game, and sometimes even beyond it.
Note, that if you do allow Advanced AI starts, then this mutator probably isn’t needed. Try it with and without and decide for yourself.
No vanilla files are over-ridden.
Anywhere under AlphaMod 2.8 should be fine.