Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods


Wormhole Generation (2.7) Mod

Generate wormholes with a starbase building To unlock the building requires the Wormhole Stabilization tech, and then either the Transcendence ascension perk and some Zro, or the Gateway Construction tech. A wormhole will be...


Civic Pack A Mod

Compatible with 2.8.* (Butler) but should work regardless of version as this makes no direct changes to the base game, only to files added by this mod. SEE SCREENSHOTS FOR FURTHER DETAILS thumbnail artwork...


Overpowered Perks 2.8.1 Mod

19/11/2020: Updated to 2.8.1. This mod should actually work now! I also added “Battlemasters”, +50% Ship Damage and +100% Army Damage, in case you wanted to splat something that wasn’t covered by Galactic Contender...


CommunisminStellaris Mod

简å•åœ°ä¸ºç¾¤æ˜Ÿæ·»åŠ äº†å…±äº§ä¸»ä¹‰ç›¸å…³å†…容 之å‰è‡ªå·±æœ‰çŽ©è¿‡ å’Œ 但是感觉å‰è€…太影å“平衡,åŽè€…内容ä¸å¤ªè¡Œ 实际上目å‰è¿™ä¸ªmod的体é‡è¦è¿œå°äºŽä»¥ä¸Šä¸¤ä¸ªï¼Œä½†è¿˜æ˜¯èƒ½çŽ© ç›®å‰æœ‰ä¸‰ä¸ªå›½ç­–,一个飞å‡ï¼Œä¸€ä¸ªç§‘技,并修改了“åŒç”˜å…±è‹¦â€ç”Ÿæ´»æ ‡å‡†ï¼ˆç”Ÿæ´»æ ‡å‡†è ¢é©´æ•´äº†ç¡¬ç¼–ç ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘没有办法å•ç‹¬åˆ¶ä½œï¼Œä¼šè¦†ç›–其他mod对原版生活标准的修改) 推èæ­é…Space Communism的旗帜使用(原版有个ç«ç‚¬æ‰³æ‰‹ï¼‰ 以åŽå°†è¦æ·»åŠ çš„: 巨型ä¼ä¸šå’Œå…±äº§ä¸»ä¹‰å›½å®¶çœ‹æ³•äº’相-100 (现在就去和冷酷资本大亨对线)(2020.11.17已完æˆï¼‰å…±äº§ä¸»ä¹‰å›½å®¶ç‰¹æ®Šå®£æˆ˜ç†ç”±ï¼šè§£æ”¾æˆ˜äº‰ 更多的过渡科技 å°‘é‡å»ºç­‘ æ–°èµ·æº æ–°äº‹ä»¶ 一些政策和法令 æ–°çš„å称列表(2020.11.17已完æˆï¼‰ 更远期目标:实现共产主义åŽæŠŠäººå£èŒä¸šå…¨éƒ¨ç»Ÿä¸€ä¸ºä¸€ç§ai共产主义国家 (当然因为我本人是学生,就ä¸çŸ¥é“什么时候能åšå®Œäº†ï¼‰


Star Trek Federation Immersion Mod Mod

New United Federation of Planets Sounds and Visuals Visual Changes:———————————– – All leader backgrounds– Spaceport background Sound Changes/Additions:———————————– – Fleet/Military Ship Select Voices x 45– Colony Ship Select Voices x 3– Construction Ship Select...