Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods


Ultimate Automation Mod

This will automate some of the more tedious and clicky actions while playing Stellaris. If you’d like to read your events or manage the more important and time critical things, turn on all them...


Faster Pop Growth Mod

Speeds up building, growth, and colonization by +50%. Updated for 2.7.1 I made this mod because the others I saw in the workshop were either old or sped up pop growth too much. This...


AA’s Galaxy of Criminals Mod

Not All Crime is Corporate De-couples the Criminal Heritage civic from the Corporate authority. Changes game rules allowing criminals and corporations to build branch offices on each other’s worlds. Overhauls the Precinct House and...


AA’s Natural State Mod

Nature Reserves, Blocker Conservation, Renewable Energy and more Adds a Nature Reserve swap for Agriculture districts. Adds a Nature World colony designation. Adds new and overhauls vanilla planetary deposits, to support… More buildings for...


AA’s Mega Districts Mod

Mega Cities. Corporate Arcologies. Industrial Zones.See the slideshow for all the details. COMPATIBILITYDo not use with AlphaMod 2.7. All of this mod is in that already. Over-rides the following vanilla files:common/districts/00_urban_districts.txtcommon/districts/02_rural_districts.txt Load Order: Try...


AA’s Hostile Worlds Mod

Colonise the harshest of environments! Develop technologies to turn hostile worlds into terraforming candidates… …and then terraform them into slightly more habitable worlds and colonise them. New origins allow you to start on a...