Strategic Resource Upgrades

Strategic Resource Upgrades
Strategic Resource Upgrades aims to provide a seamless extension to the strategic resource collection buildings.
The base game forces you to waste a frustrating amount of building slots on single tier resource collection buildings. This mod adds a building chain for exotic gases, volatile motes and rare crystals. Furthermore, the mod has multiple tier 3 buildings available for some extra spice.
Rare Crystal Mining
Advanced Rare Crystal Mining
Advanced Crystal Mines
Ultra-fine Rare Crystal Mining
Ultra-fine Crystal Mines
Industrial Rare Crystal Mining
Industrial Crystal Mines
Psionic Rare Crystal Mining
Psionic Crystal Mines
Volatile Mote Stabilization
Refined Volatile Mote Stabilization
Refined Mote Harvesting Trap
Potent Volatile Mote Stabilization
Potent Mote Harvesting Traps
Volatile Mote Harmonization
Harmonic Mote Harvesting Traps
Psionic Volatile Mote Stabilization
Psionic Mote Harvesting Traps
Exotic Gas Extraction
Deep Exotic Gas Extraction
Deep Gas Extraction Wells
Complex Exotic Gas Extraction
Complex Gas Extraction Wells
Scholarly Exotic Gas Extraction
Gas Extraction Academy
Psionic Exotic Gas Extraction
Psionic Gas Extraction Wells
IS OPTIONAL. You will not be able to unlock the academy and industry tradition buildings if you do not have the tradition mod installed.
If this mod gains some popularity, I will develop the mod further with more possibilities. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. I’m also open to any suggestions on balancing or features.
Also, if you’d like to add your own localisation, please comment a link to a pastebin for it and I’ll add it to the mod.
Thank you for your consideration.