Warhammer 40K animated portraits

Warhammer 40K animated portraits
This mod replace humanoid 2 portrait into warhammer 40k animated portrait(So it doesn’t effect checksum and achievement compatible)
There are total 42 variations, 21 each for male/female, all briefly animated with 1 breathing animation to each
–Notification & Troubleshootings–
1. As seen in preview images, Each portrait category has limited Leader class(scientist, governor, admiral….) availability because nature of their position. Can’t say its limitations and availability is perfectly fit into lore, but I had to improvise to assure marginally enough scope of selection.
2. It doesn’t effect checksum, In other words even space marine will die naturally around age 80 without any trait or technology, just like other humanoid species. And no, I will not make extended overhaul to address that problem(but if you want to use my mod for your own its all yours)
3. I’m planning to add up some more variations. So you are mostly welcome if you recommend me some good portrait artwork of 40k. But sorry there are zero guarentee that I will make them into this one(Consistency of style, quality, angle is important and I spent lot of time finding arts while coup with them)