Category: Game Mechanics Stellaris Mods


Ethic Balance For Mod

Checks slavery using citizenship type, not using the is_enslaved flag for the xenoist faction penalty allowing Xenophile/Authoritarian to use Caste without penalties. Egalitarian and xenophiles no longer care about synthetics because they can’t do...


Trade Me For Mod

Timely deals isn’t getting updates, so i made my self a trade fixing mod, so it wasn’t such a bother. Trade deals now last between 5-500 yeas (instead of 10-30) Ctrl + clicking adds...


Bountiful Traits Unleashed Stellaris

This mod gives you 99 points to spend when creating your new Galactic Empire species, simply pick the new Unique Insight trait! • New Trait: “Unique Insight” (-96 Points) • Pick up to 50...


Synthetic Fix for Stellaris

Robots and droids are immortal. Unfortunately, Synthetics are not. I don’t know if its a bug, or an intended design choice, but it just feels wrong. So let’s fix the inequality. ** All synthetic...