Fetih! Reptilian clothing for Stellaris

Fetih! Reptilian clothing for Stellaris

This mod replaces Reptilian outfits with historical clothing from the Ottoman Empire & the old Orient.

Western European clothing is all well and good, but after a while all the brass buttons and epaulettes can get a little tiring, you know? Yeah, so I made Reptilians wear old Ottoman clothes instead. I think there’s one or two bits of clothing from India too, actually, but hopefully they don’t stick out that much.

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A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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