Stellaris Mods


Apocalypse Molluscoid Ships: 2.7 Mod

The following is an updated (with permission) version of kelstr’s Apocalypse Ship Set, which is based on the Molluscoid ships in the Apocalypse reveal trailer. Most significantly fixing the habitats, adding the Juggernaut, retexturing...


Hyperbattleship Mod

Important notice: Highly recommended use another Mod called , or it may cause several bugs (I guessed about 0.01% probability) because of the Hyperbattleship’s bigger size. Of course, if you have other mod that...


Empire at War Rework Mod

This mod is a updated Version of the mod “Star Wars A Galaxy Devided” created by LastLeviathan for the game Version 2.7.2.I did this to learn how to programm my own mod. So dont...


PSO: Ringworlds Are 500 Mod

Planet Size Overhaul This is a little mod which will increase the size of Ringworlds to size 500. Meaning they will have 500 districts, and if using my 2x Planet Size Districts they will...


Iconian Empire Portraits Mod

This mod adds the Iconians and Heralds from the Star Trek Online Universe. Features 1. Two animated portrait sets: Iconians and Heralds2. Iconian system start: Iconia3. Three Civics: Iconian Whole, Iconian Gateway Technology, and...